Sensor Instruments
Entwicklungs- und Vertriebs GmbH
Schlinding 15
D-94169 Thurmansbang
Telefon +49 8544 9719-0
Telefax +49 8544 9719-13

Ejemplos prácticos de la utilización industrial

1) Seleccione un idioma:

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Packaging Industry (Verpackungsindustrie) 
N° 558

Glue line gap detection on transparent label
On a transparent label a gap in a glue line should be detected.
Machine Building / Metal-working Industry (Maschinenbau / Metallverarbeitung) 
N° 363

Length control of a metal rod
The length of a steel rod should be controlled. At this, the metal rod will be moved with around 2m/s during the measurement.
Machine Building / Metal-working Industry (Maschinenbau / Metallverarbeitung) 
N° 332

Detection of super elevations of aluminum profile
Super elevations of aluminum profile should be detected.
Cable Industry / Stamping Industry (Kabelindustrie / Stanztechnik) 
Glass Industry (Glasindustrie) 
N° 284

Position control of filament holders in bulbs
The position of the filament holders in clear as well as red glass bulbs should be controlled.
Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
N° 268

High speed angle measurement with direction control
The angle position of a very fast rotating shaft should be measured; furthermore the direction of the rotation should be controlled
Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
N° 261

Overfilling control of SMD LEDs
The level of transparent casting compound in SMD LEDs should be controlled with regard to overfilling.
Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
N° 187

Detection of the position of optical transparent plastic label on optical transparent plastic film
The position of a transparent label on a transparent film should be detected. At this the speed of the film is in the range of a few m/s.
Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Packaging Industry (Verpackungsindustrie) 
N° 121

Control of the presence of straight knurling on a transparent plastic closure
On a transparent plastic closure the straight knurling should be detected. On incorrect closures the straight knurling is partly not present.
Medical Technology / Hygienic Technology (Medizintechnik / Hygienetechnik) 
Pharmacy (Pharmazie) 
Chemical Industry (Chemische Industrie) 
N° 111

Drop control with a laser through beam system
The number as well as the volume of drops should be controlled.
Machine Building / Metal-working Industry (Maschinenbau / Metallverarbeitung) 
N° 109

Detection of a welding line on a metal ring
The task is to detect the welding line on a metal ring. During the measurement, the metal ring will be turned around.
Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Textile Industry (Textilindustrie) 
N° 108

Detektion av defekter på ledningar och trådar
Knutar eller andra defekter på ledningar och trådar av olika diametrar ska detekteras. Transporthastigheten är några fåtal m/s.

Knot and defect control of mono filaments
Knots as well as defects on mono filaments and threads should be detected. At this, different diameters of filaments and threads are possible and the feed rate lies in the range of a few m/s.
Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
N° 106

Höjdkontroll på elektriska komponenter
I produktionen av elektriska komponenter ska höjden på anslutningspinnarna kontrolleras.

Pin height control of electrical components
The height of the pins of an electrical component should be controlled during the production.
Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
N° 104

Kontinuerlig diametermätning av trästavar
Under produktionen av trästavar ska deras diameter mätas kontinuerligt.

Inline diameter control of wooden staff
During the production of wooden staff the diameter must be controlled while the rod is moved.
Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
N° 49

Mätning av excentricitet på axeln till en elektrisk tandborste
Frekvensen och amplituden på rörelsen hos axeln på elektriska tandborstar ska mätas.

Control of the eccentricity of the shaft of an electrical tooth brush
The frequency as well as the amplitude of the eccentric of an electric tooth brush should be controlled.


Damos la bienvenida a nuestro nuevo socio comercial para los Estados Unidos de América:


Participación en exposiciones:

 •   Sensors Converge 2024
 •   SKZ Network Day 2024
 •   SKZ Technology Day 2024
 •   PRS Middle East & Africa 2024
 •   Plastics Recycling World Expo
Europe 2024
 •   Plastics Recycling World Expo
North America 2024
 •   PRS Asia 2024
 •   PRS India 2024
 •   European Coatings Show 2025


Comunicados de prensa:

Determinación de espesores de capa sobre láminas de plástico y entre ellas
(Medición por luz transmitida MIR)

Control de chorro pulverizado en modo de luz reflejada
(Medición de cantidades mínimas de pulverización en zonas con peligro de explosión)



Sistemas de sensores para la industria del reciclaje de plástico
Medición del color de los reciclados


Artículo especializado:

Testing Recyclates Directly during Injection Molding and Extrusion
NIR Process for the Inline Inspection of Recycled Plastics ()
Plastics Insights 3/2024


Libros blancos:

Sensor systems for recyclate control in the plastics industry for laboratory and inline use ()
Checking the plastic type of recyclates and virgin material using NIR technology ()


Nuevas aplicacionas:

Detección de abolladuras y protuberancias en tiras metálicas troqueladas
(N° 801)
Distinción entre componentes interiores de cuero, tejido y plástico
(N° 802)
Medición de color de tapas de plástico
(N° 803)


GLOSARIO: ¿Qué es ...
... la tensión superficial?
... la evaporación de aceite?
... la medición de espesor de
    capas de aceite?


Novedades de software:

SPECTRO3-MSM-DIG-Scope V1.5 (2021.10.20)



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