Sensor Instruments
Entwicklungs- und Vertriebs GmbH
Schlinding 15
D-94169 Thurmansbang
Telefon +49 8544 9719-0
Telefax +49 8544 9719-13

Aplikacje dla użytkowników!

1) Wybierz zastosowanie:
    Glass Industry (Glasindustrie)

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APP N° 731

Glass Industry (Glasindustrie) 
Differentiation of tin and air side of float glasses
The tin side should be differentiated from the air side of float glasses.

APP N° 665

Glass Industry (Glasindustrie) 
Relief detection on glass bottles
Reliefs on different glass bottles should be detected.

APP N° 647

Glass Industry (Glasindustrie) 
Color measurement of glass plates
The color of glass plates should be measured. It should be noted, that the colored opaque glass layer is covered from a transparent shiny glass layer and the color should be measured through the transparent glass layer. The challenge is, to avoid that the direct reflection from the surface of the transparent glass layer is influencing the color measurement result.

APP N° 613

Glass Industry (Glasindustrie) 
Distance measurement to colored car glass
The distance to colored car glass should be measured. It has to be taken into account, that due to the fact, that several measuring points at the glass surface are necessary, the space for the respective measurement device, especially the frontend is limited.

APP N° 579

Glass Industry (Glasindustrie) 
Defect detection on glass plates
Defects, like scratches and splintering of cutting edges on glass discs should be detected.

APP N° 569

Glass Industry (Glasindustrie) 
Bottle neck height control
The height of the bottle neck should be measured.

APP N° 568

Glass Industry (Glasindustrie) 
Glass bottle positioning
Glass bottles should be positioned.

APP N° 567

Glass Industry (Glasindustrie) 
Color differentiation of flat glasses
Flat glasses should be color differentiated.

APP N° 541

Glass Industry (Glasindustrie) 
Optical transmission control of different glass plates
The transmission of different glass plates should be controlled.

APP N° 505

Glass Industry (Glasindustrie) 
Presence control of a laser engraving on a glass bottle
The presence as well as the intensity of a laser engraving on glass bottles should be controlled.

APP N° 492

Glass Industry (Glasindustrie) 
Dot detection on glass bottles
Dots on glass bottles should be detected during the rotation.

APP N° 469

Glass Industry (Glasindustrie) 
Detection of an UV blocking layer on transparent glass bottles
The presence of an UV blocking layer should be detected on transparent glass bottles.

APP N° 450

Glass Industry (Glasindustrie) 
Reflected light color control of coatings on glass plates
The coating of glass plates should be color controlled in the reflected light mode.

APP N° 449

Glass Industry (Glasindustrie) 
Transmitted light color control of coatings on glass plates
The coating of glass plates should be color controlled in the through beam way.

APP N° 366

Glass Industry (Glasindustrie) 
Color control of flat glass
The color of flat glass should be controlled in the transmitted-light mode.

APP N° 343

Glass Industry (Glasindustrie) 
Detection of a brand name on fog light glasses
A logo should be detected on a fog light glass. It has been shown that the brand name in the glass is acting like an optical component and deflects the laser beam in a different way compared to the normal glass surface.

APP N° 304

Glass Industry (Glasindustrie) 
Differentiation of the backside from the front side of a glass plate
The matt backside of a glass plate should be differentiated from the glossy front side.

APP N° 290

Glass Industry (Glasindustrie) 
Color differentiation of bottom colored clear glass bottles
Bottom colored clear glass bottles should be differentiated. At this, four different colored bottles can be possible: clear, yellow, red and violet.

APP N° 284

Glass Industry (Glasindustrie) 
Position control of filament holders in bulbs
The position of the filament holders in clear as well as red glass bulbs should be controlled.

APP N° 232

Glass Industry (Glasindustrie) 
Diameter measurement and position control of glass rods
The diameter as well as the position of glass rods, the starting product of optical fibers, should be measured. Typical diameters of glass rods are in the range of 20mm to 90mm.

APP N° 217

Glass Industry (Glasindustrie) 
Differentiation of the polished surface from the grinded surface of a glass plate
During the handling of glass plates the position of the polished surface must be controlled.

APP N° 101

Glass Industry (Glasindustrie) 
Spray-jet control during the glass bottle coating process in the pharmaceutical industry
During the production of glass bottles for the pharmaceutical industry the inner surface must be coated with a certain chemical film, which makes the bottles diffuse. At this crystals will be sprayed through the bottle neck with a nozzle into the bottle. During this process, the bottles have still a temperature of a few hundred centigrade.

APP N° 62

Glass Industry (Glasindustrie) 
Color control of tinted glass plates
During the assembling of cars the color of the glasses from the side door must be checked. It is only possible to control from one side and even an additional reflector cannot be used.

APP N° 61

Glass Industry (Glasindustrie) 
Color differentiation of tinted and colored glass plates
During the subsequent processing of glass plates the different tinted and colored glasses must be controlled and discerned.

APP N° 59

Glass Industry (Glasindustrie) 
Position measurement of a transparent glass plate
Glass handling machines must be informed not only about the distance of a glass plate but also about the edge position of a glass plate. However the detection of the edge of a transparent glass plate is not so easy, especially if there is nearly no phase on the edges. The direct reflection rate of visible light on a standard glass surface is normally approximately 4% and with the additional reflection of the second surface around 8% of the light will be reflected.

APP N° 58

Glass Industry (Glasindustrie) 
Distance measurement on transparent glass plates
During the handling process of glass plates the distance of the glass surface must be controlled. As during the beveling process the glass plate must be positioned in a way that the glass edges can be feed symmetrically into the abrasive block of the grinding machine, otherwise the phases on both sides of the glass plate are different. Due to the fact, that the glass surface delivers nearly no diffuse reflected light but only direct reflected light, a standard laser displacement sensor cannot be used.

APP N° 22

Glass Industry (Glasindustrie) 
Color differentiation of colored glass bottles
In the glass recycling industry it is necessary to separate the different colored bottles to get a correctly sorted material.

APP N° 17

Glass Industry (Glasindustrie) 
Detection of clear and milky glass bottles
In the glass industry during the process of glass bottle manufacturing for the pharmaceutical industry, the glass bottles must be coated inside. The task is to check, whether the bottle is coated or uncoated.

APP N° 16

Glass Industry (Glasindustrie) 
Detection of glossy regions on a matt-finished glass plate
During the production of matt-finished glass plates the matt-finished surface must be controlled particularly with regard to small glossy spot. The glossy domains which should be detected are starting with a diameter of approximately 3 mm.


Udział w targach:

 •   PPMA Show 2024
 •   Fakuma 2024
 •   Plastics Recycling World Expo
North America 2024
 •   PRS Asia 2024
 •   PRS India 2024
 •   European Coatings Show 2025


Informacje prasowe:

in search of the hidden

(Marker-based sorting with TAGTEC technology)

Differentiation of recyclate types using NIR during the recycling process
(Plastic type differentiation of recyclates using NIR)

Clarity in Darkness - detect in Carbon Black
(Differentiation of Carbon Black recyclate material using MIR)

Color measurement of recyclates in the recycling process
(Color differentiation of recyclates)



Systemy czujników dla branży recyklingu tworzyw sztucznych
Pomiar barwy recyklatów


Artykuł specjalistyczny:

Testing Recyclates Directly during Injection Molding and Extrusion
NIR Process for the Inline Inspection of Recycled Plastics ()
Plastics Insights 3/2024



Sensor systems for recyclate control in the plastics industry for laboratory and inline use ()
Checking the plastic type of recyclates and virgin material using NIR technology ()

Nowe aplikacje:

Wykrywanie wgnieceń i okrągłych wgłębień w wytłaczanych taśmach metalowych
(N° 801)
Rozróżnianie komponentów wykonanych ze skóry, materiałów tekstylnych i tworzyw sztucznych do wnętrza pojazdu
(N° 802)

Pomiar koloru pokrywek z tworzywa sztucznego
(N° 803)


Co to jest ...
... napięcie powierzchniowe?
... parowanie oleju?
... pomiar grubości warstwy


Nowości w oprogramowaniu:

SPECTRO3-MSM-DIG-Scope V1.5 (2021.10.20)



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