Sensor Instruments
Entwicklungs- und Vertriebs GmbH
Schlinding 15
D-94169 Thurmansbang
Telefon +49 8544 9719-0
Telefax +49 8544 9719-13

Aplikacje dla użytkowników!

1) Wybierz zastosowanie:
    Construction Industry / Ceramic-finish Industry (Bauindustrie / Keramikverarbeitung)

2) Wybierz język:


APP N° 727

Construction Industry / Ceramic-finish Industry (Bauindustrie / Keramikverarbeitung) 
Thickness measurement of thermal insulation panels
The thickness of thermal insulation panels should be measured INLINE.

APP N° 698

Construction Industry / Ceramic-finish Industry (Bauindustrie / Keramikverarbeitung) 
Distance measurement to insulation panels
The distance to insulation panels should be measured.

APP N° 681

Construction Industry / Ceramic-finish Industry (Bauindustrie / Keramikverarbeitung) 
Color and intensity control of filament lamps
The color as well as the intensity of filaments lamps should be controlled.

APP N° 587

Construction Industry / Ceramic-finish Industry (Bauindustrie / Keramikverarbeitung) 
Moisture control of bricks
The moisture of bricks should be controlled.

APP N° 586

Construction Industry / Ceramic-finish Industry (Bauindustrie / Keramikverarbeitung) 
Moisture control of clinker bricks
The moisture of clinker bricks should be controlled.

APP N° 585

Construction Industry / Ceramic-finish Industry (Bauindustrie / Keramikverarbeitung) 
Moisture control of concrete blocks
The moisture of concrete blocks should be controlled.

APP N° 584

Construction Industry / Ceramic-finish Industry (Bauindustrie / Keramikverarbeitung) 
Moisture of gas concrete
The moisture of gas concrete should be controlled.

APP N° 527

Construction Industry / Ceramic-finish Industry (Bauindustrie / Keramikverarbeitung) 
Gloss differentiation of coated flagstones from uncoated flagstones
Coated flagstones should be differentiated from uncoated flagstones.

APP N° 522

Construction Industry / Ceramic-finish Industry (Bauindustrie / Keramikverarbeitung) 
Color measurement of glazed tiles
The color of glazed tiles should be inline measured.

APP N° 503

Construction Industry / Ceramic-finish Industry (Bauindustrie / Keramikverarbeitung) 
Stone plate thickness control
The thickness of stone plates should be measured. At this, the stone plates will be transported on a conveyor belt with a negligible movement in height, thus it can be used as a reference.

APP N° 490

Construction Industry / Ceramic-finish Industry (Bauindustrie / Keramikverarbeitung) 
Thickness measurement of polished slabs
The thickness of polished slabs should be measured. It should be noted, that the slabs are placed on a reference plate.

APP N° 489

Construction Industry / Ceramic-finish Industry (Bauindustrie / Keramikverarbeitung) 
Gloss measurement on polished slabs
The gloss of polished slabs should be measured.

APP N° 488

Construction Industry / Ceramic-finish Industry (Bauindustrie / Keramikverarbeitung) 
Color control of polished slabs
The color of polished slabs should be controlled.

APP N° 470

Construction Industry / Ceramic-finish Industry (Bauindustrie / Keramikverarbeitung) 
Roof tile color measurement
The color of roof tiles should be inline measured.

APP N° 453

Construction Industry / Ceramic-finish Industry (Bauindustrie / Keramikverarbeitung) 
Measurement of the length of gypsum plasterboard
The length of gypsum plasterboard should be measured.

APP N° 346

Construction Industry / Ceramic-finish Industry (Bauindustrie / Keramikverarbeitung) 
Color control of T-grids for ceiling systems
T-grids used for ceiling systems should be color controlled.

APP N° 333

Construction Industry / Ceramic-finish Industry (Bauindustrie / Keramikverarbeitung) 
Frequency control of industrial ventilators
Ventilators for industrial purposes should be frequency checked. Furthermore the direction of rotation should be controlled.

APP N° 294

Construction Industry / Ceramic-finish Industry (Bauindustrie / Keramikverarbeitung) 
Thickness control of shiny aluminum cushions
The thickness of different shiny aluminum cushions should be measured. These aluminum cushions are used for heat insulation. At this, the cushions will be transported on a conveyor belt with a very small fluctuation in height, thus the distance to the belt can be used as a reference.

APP N° 289

Construction Industry / Ceramic-finish Industry (Bauindustrie / Keramikverarbeitung) 
Evenness control of angle grinder discs
The flatness of angle grinder discs should be controlled during the rotation.

APP N° 149

Construction Industry / Ceramic-finish Industry (Bauindustrie / Keramikverarbeitung) 
Differentiation between water moistened and dry floor tiles
After the moisturization the floor tiles should be checked, whether the amount of moisture is in the right range or out of range (too much or too little moisture content). The tiles looks brighter if the degree of moisture is too small and the tiles looks darker as normal if too much water is on the tiles. In the normal case the tiles looks gray in color.

APP N° 144

Construction Industry / Ceramic-finish Industry (Bauindustrie / Keramikverarbeitung) 
Position monitoring of tiles
The orientation of tiles on a conveyor belt should be controlled. There are three chamfers which splits the tile into four parts and these chamfers should be perpendicular orientated on the conveyor belt.

APP N° 134

Construction Industry / Ceramic-finish Industry (Bauindustrie / Keramikverarbeitung) 
Control of the presence of fibers in an aluminum tube
In aluminum tubes with a length of approximately 160mm and an inner diameter of 14mm the presence of fibers should be checked, at which a good tube is a tube without any fibers. The tubes can be positioned and turned 360° around, around both ends of the tube there is space enough for mounting the sensors.

APP N° 105

Construction Industry / Ceramic-finish Industry (Bauindustrie / Keramikverarbeitung) 
Spray jet amount control
The density of the spray jet should be controlled.

APP N° 88

Construction Industry / Ceramic-finish Industry (Bauindustrie / Keramikverarbeitung) 
Fluorescent glue control on an abrasive belt
During the production of abrasive belt material with a 10mm wide glue stripe the presence of the fluorescent glue must be observed. Defects greater than 2mm in length must be proper detected. The distance of the sensor head to the object should be approximately 20mm and the detecting range around 2mm x 10mm.

APP N° 87

Construction Industry / Ceramic-finish Industry (Bauindustrie / Keramikverarbeitung) 
Inline gloss measurement on abrasive belts
The gloss factor is a significant parameter for the surface quality, the roughness, of an abrasive belt. Thus a gloss measurement inline sensor should be used for quality control of the abrasive surface.

APP N° 77

Construction Industry / Ceramic-finish Industry (Bauindustrie / Keramikverarbeitung) 
Edge control of abrasive belts
The edges of abrasive belts must be grinded to a certain degree. Thus, the degree of grinding should be controlled.

APP N° 57

Construction Industry / Ceramic-finish Industry (Bauindustrie / Keramikverarbeitung) 
Detection of a fluorescent line on different colored foamed materials
A fluorescent line must be detected on different colored foamed materials.

APP N° 51

Construction Industry / Ceramic-finish Industry (Bauindustrie / Keramikverarbeitung) 
Control of margined abrasive belts
Different sanding belts are equipped with a margin and this margin has to be controlled. The margin can be present on the sanding side of the abrasive belt or on the rear side. Furthermore the margin can be darker than the rear side but mostly it is brighter than the sanding surface. Nevertheless there is a sufficient difference in contrast between the margin and the rear side or the sanding side.


Witamy naszego nowego partnera biznesowego w USA:


Udział w targach:

 •   PRS Middle East & Africa 2024
 •   Plastics Recycling World Expo
Europe 2024
 •   Plastics Recycling World Expo
North America 2024
 •   PRS Asia 2024
 •   PRS India 2024
 •   European Coatings Show 2025


Informacje prasowe:

Określanie grubości warstw pomiędzy i na foliach z tworzyw sztucznych
(Pomiar świetle przechodzącym MIR)

Kontrola strumienia rozpylanej cieczy w trybie światła odbitego
(Pomiar bardzo małych ilości rozpylanej cieczy w strefach zagrożonych wybuchem)



Systemy czujników dla branży recyklingu tworzyw sztucznych
Pomiar barwy recyklatów


Artykuł specjalistyczny:

Testing Recyclates Directly during Injection Molding and Extrusion
NIR Process for the Inline Inspection of Recycled Plastics ()
Plastics Insights 3/2024



Sensor systems for recyclate control in the plastics industry for laboratory and inline use ()
Checking the plastic type of recyclates and virgin material using NIR technology ()

Nowe aplikacje:

Wykrywanie wgnieceń i okrągłych wgłębień w wytłaczanych taśmach metalowych
(N° 801)
Rozróżnianie komponentów wykonanych ze skóry, materiałów tekstylnych i tworzyw sztucznych do wnętrza pojazdu
(N° 802)

Pomiar koloru pokrywek z tworzywa sztucznego
(N° 803)


Co to jest ...
... napięcie powierzchniowe?
... parowanie oleju?
... pomiar grubości warstwy


Nowości w oprogramowaniu:

SPECTRO3-MSM-DIG-Scope V1.5 (2021.10.20)



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