Sensor Instruments
Entwicklungs- und Vertriebs GmbH
Schlinding 15
D-94169 Thurmansbang
Telefon +49 8544 9719-0
Telefax +49 8544 9719-13

Exemplos prácticos de uso industrial

1) Selecione uma área de aplicação:
    Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie)

2) Selecione um idioma:

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APP N° 803

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Plastic cap color measurement
The color of plastic caps should be measured.
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APP N° 799

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Presence control of a potting compound on plastic components
The presence of a sealing compound on plastic components should be controlled.
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APP N° 797

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Color control of preforms made of recyclates
Preforms made of recycled material should be color controlled.

APP N° 795

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Translucent stretch film thickness measurement
The thickness of a translucent stretch film should be measured.
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APP N° 793

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Color control of preforms
The color of preforms should be controlled.
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APP N° 790

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Gloss measurement of synthetic floorings
The gloss of plastic floors should be measured.
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APP N° 789

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Plastic film thickness measurement
The thickness of plastic stretch film should be measured.
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APP N° 788

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Streak detection on a plastic surface
A plastic surface should be controlled regarding freedom from streaks and striae.
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APP N° 774

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Differentiation of PE and PET side of plastic plates
The PET side of plastic plates should be differentiated from the PE side.
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APP N° 765

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Color mark recognition on transparent plastic films
A color mark on a translucent synthetic tape should be recognized.
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APP N° 764

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Synthetic component orientation control
The orientation of transparent plastic parts should be controlled.
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APP N° 763

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Color mark detection on transparent plastic adhesive strips
Color marks should be detected on transparent synthetic glue strips.
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APP N° 746

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Color measurement of plastic plates with different structures
The color of plastic plates with a fine, middle and coarse surface should be measured.
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APP N° 740

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Backside/frontside differentiation of synthetic parts
The backside should be differentiated from the frontside of flat synthetic components.
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APP N° 739

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Frontside and backside differentiation of a plastic part
The frontside of a flat plastic part should be differentiated from the backside.
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APP N° 727

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Thickness measurement of thermal insulation panels
The thickness of thermal insulation panels should be measured INLINE.
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APP N° 724

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Differentiation of yellowish cast to bluish shade clear transparent plastic components
Clear bluish transparent plastic components should be differentiated from yellowish parts.
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APP N° 723

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Color differentiation of clear transparent plastic parts
A yellowish cast to a bluish shade of transparent clear plastic components should be detected.
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APP N° 722

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Differentiation of bluish and yellowish colored plastic parts
Blueish colored plastic parts should be differentiated from yellowish colored plastic components.
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APP N° 716

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Counting of transparent plastic lids
Transparent plastic lids should be counted.
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APP N° 715

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Counting of semitransparent plastic cups
Semitransparent plastic cups should be counted.
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APP N° 713

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Counting of transparent plastic boxes
Close lined up transparent plastic boxes should be counted.
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APP N° 699

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
UVA transmittance of plastic plates
The UVA transmittance of plastic plates should be measured.
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APP N° 684

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Color control of deep blue plastic covers
The color of blue plastic covers should be controlled, whether the respective cover is inside the tolerance range or not.
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APP N° 682

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Differentiation of coated and uncoated plastic film
An uncoated plastic film should be distinguished from a coated plastic film.
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APP N° 672

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Presence control of a fluorescent semitransparent cover on a white plastic box
The presence of a fluorescent semitransparent cover should be controlled.
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APP N° 652

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Glue bead presence control on plastic components
The presence of adhesive on black plastic parts should be controlled.
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APP N° 651

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Presence control of a primer layer on a plastic component
A primer layer on a plastic surface should be detected.
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APP N° 643

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Knot detection on plastic straps
Knots in plastic straps should be inline detected.
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APP N° 635

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Direction control of plastic caps
The direction (upside or upside down) of plastic caps should be controlled.
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APP N° 623

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Gap detection of fluorescent coating on plastic band
A gap inside fluorescent coating on a plastic ribbon should be detected.

APP N° 617

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Moisture control of plastic pellets
The very low water content of plastic pellets should be measured.
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APP N° 611

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Color measurement of two different colored transparent Plexiglas sheets
A slightly blueish and a slightly yellowish colored transparent acrylic glass sheet should be color measured.
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APP N° 609

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Glue line edge tracing on transparent plastic film
The edge of a glue line on a transparent plastic film should be detected.
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APP N° 606

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Color measurement of semitransparent plastic parts
The color of semitransparent plastic components should be measured.
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APP N° 602

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Color measurement of plastic parts
The color of plastic parts should be measured.
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APP N° 600

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Color measurement of transparent plastic pellets
Transparent plastic pellets should be color controlled and especially the yellowing should be detected.
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APP N° 599

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Presence control of a transparent plastic film
The presence of a transparent edge strip should be controlled.
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APP N° 595

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Differentiation of front side and backside of canvas
The front side of canvas should be differentiated from the backside.
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APP N° 580

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Edge detection on plastic cups
The rims of stacked plastic cups should be detected.
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APP N° 561

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Color measurement of plastic components
Plastic components should be color measured

APP N° 560

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Detection of an UVC absorbing coating on transparent plastic film
UVC absorbing coating should be detected on transparent plastic films.
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APP N° 558

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Glue line gap detection on transparent label
On a transparent label a gap in a glue line should be detected.
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APP N° 549

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Gloss measurement of transparent plastic films
The gloss factor of different transparent plastic films should be measured on both sides.
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APP N° 547

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Punched hole detection at transparent plastic film
Punched holes should be detected at transparent plastic films.
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APP N° 545

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Differentiation of the inner surface of plastic tubes
The inner surface of plastic tubes should be controlled.
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APP N° 537

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Color differentiation of interior plastic parts
Plastic parts, which are used in the automotive interior field, should be color differentiated
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APP N° 536

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Detection of silicone oil film on plastic components
The presence of silicon oil should be controlled on the surface of plastic components.
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APP N° 531

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Detection of holographical reference marks
Holographic reference marks should be detected. There are red as well as green reflecting reference marks which should be detected with the same adjustment.
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APP N° 519

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Kvalitetskontrol af transparente plastplader
Transparente plastplader skal kontrolleres med hensyn til den optiske kvalitet. Herunder skal pladerne med optisk aberrationsfejl (afbildningsfejl) bortsorteres.

Quality control of transparent plastic plates
Transparent plastic plates should be quality controlled. The parts with a high optical quality should be differentiated from components with optical aberration failures.
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APP N° 518

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Farvemåling på genbrugte plastgranulater
Genbrugte plastgranulater skal kontrolleres med hensyn til farve. Specielt skal bemærkes at de enkelte granulatkuglers position i kan ændre sig under opgaven i skueglasset, derved kommer vigtigheden af en stor måleplet. Endvidere skal bemærkes at temperaturen ved skueglasset nærmer sig de 120 °C.

Color measurement of recycled plastic pellets
The color of recycled plastic pellets should be measured. It has to be taken into account, that the position of the pellets behind the inspection glass can vary, thus a big light spot has a certain advantage to get a proper average measurement value. Furthermore, it should be considered, that the ambient temperature around the inspection glass can reach 120°C.
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APP N° 510

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Glansmåling på semitransparente plastfolier
Glansgraden skal måles på lysgennemtrængelig plastfolie in-line.

Gloss measurement of translucent plastic films
The gloss level of semi-transparent plastic films should be inline measured.
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APP N° 504

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Vægtykkelseskontrol på plastdele
Vægtykkelsen på plastemner skal kontrolleres. Ved opgaven er det vigtigt at opaciteten hænger nøje sammen med vægtykkelsen på delene.

Wall thickness control of semitransparent plastic components
The wall thickness of semitransparent plastic components should be determined. It should be taken into account that the opacity correlates to the wall thickness of the plastic parts.
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APP N° 491

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Højdemåling på transparente kunststofplader med indlagt vævning
Højden skal måles på transparente kunststofplader med indlagt vævning. Målingen skal ske med stor gentagelsesnøjagtighed.

Height measurement of a transparent plastic plate with embedded fabric
The height of transparent plastic plate with different embedded fabric should be measured.
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APP N° 487

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Farvemåling på plastgranulat
Farven skal aftastes på plastgranulat under produktionen.

Color measurement of plastic pellets
The color of plastic pellets should be measured during the production.
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APP N° 481

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Farveaftastning af plasthuse til kuglepenne
Plasthuse for kuglepenne skal aftastes med hensyn til farve og kunne skelnes derefter.

Color differentiation of plastic pen housings
The color of plastic bushings should be controlled.
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APP N° 472

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Farveaftastning af små plastrør
Plastrør i små dimensioner skal aftastes og kunne skelnes på fave.

Color differentiation of small plastic tubes
Small violet plastic tubes should be color differentiated.
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APP N° 471

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Farveaftastning af små plastbørster
Små plastbørster som blant andet anvendes i dentalområdet skal aftastes og skelnes på farve.

Color differentiation of small plastic brushes
Small plastic brushes should be color differentiated.
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APP N° 444

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Gråtoneværdier skal kontrolleres på kunststoftplader
Gråtoneværdier skal kontrolleres på seriegrafi på kunststofplader.

Gray value control of screen printing plastic plates
The gray scale value of screen printing plastic plates should be controlled.
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APP N° 443

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Farveovervågning på silketrykfarvemærker
Farven på silketryk farvemærker skal aftastes på kunststofplader.

Control of silk-screen printing color marks
Screen printing color marks should be controlled on plastic sheets.
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APP N° 435

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Tykkelseskontrol af tynd transparent kunststoffolie
Tykkelsen på en tyndt lag på et optisk transparent bæremateriale skal måles. Her kan man anvende en transmissionsmåling da intensiteten er en funktion af tykkelsen på folien.

Thickness control of a thin layer on a transparent plastic film
The thickness of a thin layer on a transparent plastic film should be measured. To measure the transmission with a through beam system seems to be an adequate method to determine the thickness of a thin layer.
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APP N° 434

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Opacitetskontrol på halvgennemsigtige kunststofplader
Optisk halvgennemsigtige kunststofplader skal kontrolleres med henblik på opaciteten.

Haze control of semi transparent plastic plates
Semi transparent plastic plates should be controlled with a view to the opacity.
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APP N° 433

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Farvegenkending af plastlåg
Plastlåg som anvendes til drikkeflasker, skal aftastes og sorteres efter farve. Ved opgaven skal bemærkes at låget har ekstrem glansgrad.

Color differentiation of plastic caps
Plastic caps for drinking bottles should be color differentiated. It has to be taken into account, that the closures are very glossy.
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APP N° 418

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Skelne kunstofgranulater
Der skal sorteres både mellem den kemiske sammensætning samt lette farvenuancer på kunststofgranulater.

Differentiation of plastic pellets
Chemically and in terms of color different plastic pellets should be distinguished.
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APP N° 406

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Kontrol for transparens på hvide plastplader
Hvide kunststofplader skal kontrolleres med hensyn til hvor transparente de er for lys.

Transparency control of white plastic plates
The transparency of white plastic plates should be controlled.
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APP N° 399

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Sortering af semitransparente kunstfolier
Let gennemsigtige plastfolier skal sorteres ved optisk aftastning.

Differentiation of semitransparent plastic films
Semitransparent plastic films should be differentiated.
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APP N° 397

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Aftastning af fordybning på en plastfolie
I en semitransparent folie skal en fordybning aftastes præsist. Det er kun muligt at foretage kontrollen ovenfra.

Detection of a deepening in a plastic film
Depressions in a semitransparent plastic film should be detected. The detection is only possible from above.
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APP N° 390

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Farvekontrol af kunststofprofiler til vinduer
Kunststofprofiler, som anvendes til sidehængte rammer bør farve kontrolleres.

Color control of plastic window profiles
Plastic profiles which are used for casement frames should be color controlled.
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APP N° 378

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Farvekontrolle af støbte kunststofdele
Støbte dele af plast skal kontorlleres i farve. Ved opgaven skal bemærkes at de støbte dele ud over farveforskellen, ligeledes har forskel i glans. Kun et lille område i nærheden af kanten har

Color control of injection moldings
Injection plastic parts should be color controlled. It has to be taken into account, that the surface of the plastic part is different in the degree of gloss as well as in the color. Only the narrow frame delivers nearly a constant degree of gloss. Thus, the color should be controlled at the narrow edge.
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APP N° 370

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Farvekontrol af hvide plastprofiler
Farven på hvis kunststofprofiler skal kontrolleres.

Color control of white plastic profiles
The color of white plastic profiles should be controlled.
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APP N° 369

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Aftastning af farvemarkering på plastfolie
Et sort højglans farvemærke skal aftastes på en ligeledes højglans folie, med skiftende

Color mark detection on plastic film
A black color mark should be detected on a shiny plastic film. At this, it has to be taken into account that different background colors can occur.
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APP N° 367

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Kontrol for tilstedeværelse af gummipakning i kunststofkabelforskruning
Tilstedeværelsen af en gummipakningsring i en plastdel skal overvåges.

Presence control of a seal in plastic components
The presence of a seal in a plastic part should be controlled.
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APP N° 362

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Kontrol for tilstedeværelse af etiket på kunststofflaske
Tilstedeværelsen af en etiket på en plastflaske skal kontrolleres.

Label presence detection on plastic bottles
The presence of a label on plastic bottles should be controlled.
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APP N° 361

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Farvegenkending på plastlåg
Såkaldte plastlåg skal aftastes for farveforskelle. I opgaven skal der sorteres på gode og fejl emner.

Plastic preforms color control
The color of plastic preforms should be controlled. Good parts should be differentiated from marginal parts.
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APP N° 355

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Breddekontrol på kunststofmåtter
Bredden på en kunststofmåtte skal kontrolleres med en sidevejs drift på båndet på ±10mm. Tasteafsatnden er 50 mm.

Width control of a semitransparent plastic film
The width of a semitransparent plastic film should be controlled. At this, the transversal drift of the 18.5mm wide plastic film is around ±10mm, thus the detecting range should be 50mm.
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APP N° 354

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Diameterkontrol på kunststoftråd
Diameteren på kunststoftråd skal måles i området mellem 0.1 mm og 2 mm.

Diameter control of plastic monofilaments
The diameter of plastic monofilaments should be controlled. At this, monofilaments with diameters starting from 0.1mm up to 2mm are possible.
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APP N° 353

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Doppeltlagskontrol på kunststoffolie
Kanten på en dobbeltlags plastfolie, skal overvåges. I kanten går folien over til at være enkeltlags.

Double layer control of plastic films
With a view to the changeover from the double layer to the single layer range of a plastic film a sensor system should deliver exactly a signal which informs about the beginning of the single layer as well as the double layer range.
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APP N° 350

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Farvekontrol på kunststofdækknapper
Plastikpins som anvendes i forbindelse med sikkerhedsseler, skal sorteres efter farve.

Color control of plastic pins
Plastic pins which are used for seat belts should be color differentiated.
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APP N° 347

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Kontrol af farve på sikkerhedsselehus
Farven på huset til en sikkerhedssele skal kontrolleres.

Color control of seat belt sockets
Seat belt sockets should be color controlled.
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APP N° 342

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Kontrol for tilstedeværelse af kunststoffilm
Tilstedeværelsen af en semitransparent folie på en kuvert skal aftastes. Det skal bemærkes at klæbefilmen er let flourscerende, hvorimod den matte film som er placeret ovenpå dæmper denne egenskab.

Plastic film presence control
The presence of a plastic film on an envelope should be controlled. It has to be taken into account that the glue stripe of the envelope is slightly fluorescent in the presence of UV light, whereas the matt plastic film (which covers the glue stripe) absorbs the UV light a bit.
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APP N° 341

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Detektion af fals på plastfilm
Under transport af mat plastfilm, skal der foretages kontrol for bukninger.

Plastic film plunging control
Folds in a matt plastic film should be detected.
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APP N° 338

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Måling af tykkelse på kunstoffolie
Tykkelsen på kunststoffolie skal kontrolleres in-line.

Plastic film thickness measurement
The thickness of a plastic film should be measured.
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APP N° 337

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Skelne mellem for og bagside på kunststof film
Den glansende forside på en semitransparent kunststoffilm skal skelnes fra den matte bagside.

Differentiation between front- and backside of a plastic film
The glossy front side of a plastic film should be differentiated from the coarse back side.
Folha de

APP N° 330

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Aftastning af transparent flourscerende etiket på transparent bærefilm
En transparent etiket, placeret på en transparent folie, skal aftastes. Etiketten reagerer flourscerende ved påvirkning af UV-lys.

Detection of a transparent fluorescent label on transparent plastic film
A transparent plastic label should be detected on a transparent plastic film. It should be taken into account, that the label is fluorescent in using UV-light.
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APP N° 323

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Farvegenkendelse på sort henholdsvis grå naturfilt til interiørområdet
Sort og grå naturfilt skal kunne aftastes sikkert.

Color differentiation of black and gray colored natural fiber interior components
Black and gray colored natural fiber components should be quality controlled.
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APP N° 320

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Skelne mellem forskellige let diffuse kunststoffolier
Transparent folie med let diffus effekt skal kontrolleres.

Differentiation of slightly diffuse plastic films
Transparent but slightly diffuse plastic films should be differentiated. The haze of the plastic films should be controlled.
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APP N° 312

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Detektering af forskellige farvemærker på forskelligt farvede plastbeholdere
På kunststoftuber i forskellige udførsler, skal farvemærker genkendes.

Detection of different color marks on different plastic tubes
Different color marks should be detected on different plastic tubes.
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APP N° 301

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Kantgenkendelse på fronten af en silikonetube
En markering med form som en forhøjning, skal aftastes under drejning. Der anvendes en kantensensor, som placeres vinkelret på positionen på tuben.

Detection of an edge on the front side of a silicon tube
An edge on a silicon tube should be detected. At this, the silicon tube is turning around its own axis while the laser spot of the laser edge detector is directed onto the front side.
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APP N° 297

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Farvegenkendelse på farvefittings
Kunststoffittings skal skelnes på farve, hvorved det skal bemærkes at den skinnende overflade reducerer kontrastforskellen mellem de 3 forskellige komponenter. De 3 dele ligger også optisk betragtet mere tæt på hinanden end det lige ser du til.

Color differentiation of plastic fittings
The color of plastic fittings should be controlled. At this, the high gloss factor of the surface reduces the contrast difference between the three different components.
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APP N° 296

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Aftastning af fortykkelse på et hurtigt bevægende kunstfiberbundt
Et kunstfiberbundt skal aftastes med henblik på at overvåge for fortykkelser. Til opgaven anvendes en fiberforsats direkte rettet op under fiberfremføringen, som derved ikke påvirkes når der ikek er fortykkelser, men giver udslag når disse opstår.

Detection of a ravel in a fast moved plastic fiber bundle
A ravel in a fast moved plastic fiber bundle should be detected. At this, an optical fiber through beam head is placed in way, that the normal plastic fiber bundle stream does not cover the optical beam. However, if a ravel appears, the optical beam will be partly interrupted and this leads to a decrease of the receiver signal.
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APP N° 292

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Kontrol af et hvidt kunststofnet på sort baggrund
Tilstedeværelsen af et hvidt kunststofnet på en sort baggrund skal aftastes.

Presence control of a plastic grid
The presence of a white plastic grid on a black background should be detected.
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APP N° 287

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Farvemærkeaftastning på en trykt alubelagt folie
Et sort farvemærke skal aftastes på en alu-belagt folie. Til nøjagtig positionering af folien skal sorte farvemærker på en alubelagt folie aftastes. Til signalgivningen skal anvendes et digitalt signal.

Color mark detection on aluminum coated plastic film
Color marks should be detected on aluminum coated plastic foil. An analog as well as a digital signal is required at the sensor output.
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APP N° 280

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Positionsaftastnign af kant på en plasttube
Under drejning af en plasttube skal kanten på fronten aftastes.

Detection of an edge on a plastic tube
During the rotation of a plastic tube, an edge on the upper side of the tube should be detected.
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APP N° 279

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Farvekontrol på plastlåg V
4 forskellige plastlåg skal kontrolleres (lys gul, mørk gul, lys grøn og mørk grøn).

Color control of plastic screw caps V
Different colored plastic screw caps (dark yellow, light yellow, light green and dark green) should be differentiated.
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APP N° 278

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Farvekontrol på plastlåg IV
3 forskelligt farvede plastlåg skal genkendes (lys blå, blå og mørkeblå).

Color control of plastic screw caps IV
Three different colored plastic screw caps (light blue, blue and dark blue) should be differentiated.
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APP N° 277

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Farvekontrol af plastlåg III
3 forskelligt farvede plastlåg (sort, lys gylden og mørk gylden) skal kontrolleres.

Color control of plastic screw caps III
Three different colored plastic screw caps (black, light gold and dark gold) should be differentiated.
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APP N° 276

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Farvegenkendelse af plastlåg II
3 forskelligt farvede plastlåg (hvid, lys rød og mørk rød) skal kontrolleres.

Color control of plastic screw caps II
Three different colored plastic screw caps (white, light red and dark red) should be differentiated.
Folha de

APP N° 275

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Farvegenkendelse på plastlåg
3 forskelligt farvede plastlåg (lys orange, mørk orange og grå) skal kontrolleres.

Color control of plastic screw caps I
Three different colored plastic screw caps (light orange, dark orange and gray) should be differentiated.
Folha de

APP N° 273

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Farvedrift kontrolleres under produktion
Driften på farven af plastflasker skal aftastes under håndteringsprocessen. Til dette brug stoppes en samling af flasker et par hundrede millisekunder, dette er tilstrækkelig tid til lave kontrollen. Der der produceres forskellige farver glas (fx. klar, blå, grøn, brun) skal sensoren være i stand til hurtigt at tilpasse sig omgivelserne.

Detection of color drifts of plastic preforms
The drift of plastic preforms should be detected during the handling process. At this, the matrix with the preforms stops for a few hundred milliseconds, it is sufficient to check one of the preforms on each matrix. There will be preforms with different colors produced, thus the systems should be easy adapted to another color.
Folha de

APP N° 272

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Genkendelse af klæbebånd på kunststofgulv
Et klæbebånd, som forbinder to kunststofgulvbaner skal genkendes. Under opgaven kann gulvene have forskellige farver, medens klæbebåndet enten er gult eller brunt.

Detection of an adhesive tape on plastic flooring
An adhesive tape, which has the task to combine the two ends of the plastic flooring, should be detected. At this, the plastic flooring can be different in color; the tape, however, is either yellow or brown in color.
Folha de

APP N° 271

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Aftastning af lim på kunststoffolie
Tilstedeværelsen af klæber på en kunststoffolie, skal aftastes. Mest optimalt skal opgaven løses i hele bredden. Klæberen er flourescerende under indflydelse af UV-lys (365nm … 385nm) og afgiver derved et synligt blåt lys. Kunststofoverfladen derimod forhodler sig neutralt.

Detection of glue on a plastic film
The presence of a glue layer on a plastic film should be detected. Almost the whole width of the plastic film should be controlled. The glue is slightly UV fluorescent, whereas the plastic film is UV neutral.
Folha de

APP N° 267

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Farvegenkendelse af kunststofbægre
Røde og sorte plastbægre med høj glans skal skelnes. Ved denne opgave er det speciele , at afstanden mellem sensor og bægre, kan variere nogle millimeter.

Color differentiation of plastic cans
Red glossy plastic cans should be differentiated from black glossy plastic cans. At this, the distance from the sensor to the cans is changing a few mm.
Folha de

APP N° 242

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Kontrol af tilstedeværelse af en optisk transparent plastfolie
Tilstedeværelsen af en transparent kunststoffolie skal overvåges. Under denne kontrol er afstanden mellem sensor og folie mindst 1 meter, ydermere kann der forekomme svingninger på nogle mm på grund af bevægelse i folien.

Presence control of an optical transparent plastic film
The presence of a transparent plastic film should be controlled. At this, the distance of the sensor to the plastic film should be in minimum 1m and it should be noticed, that the plastic film can flutter a few millimeters.
Folha de

APP N° 231

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Detektion af farvevariation på transperant kunststofglas
Farvevariation på farvede transperante kunststofglas skal under drejning kontrolleres og aftastes.

Schlieren detection on transparent colored plastic closures
Schlieren on transparent colored plastic closures should be detected.
Folha de

APP N° 230

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Farvekontrol af transperante kunststofbægre
Farven på transperante kunststofbægre skal kontrolleres. Specielt skal bemærkes at der fra batch til batch kann ske farveændringer, hvilket er tilladt indenfor toleranceområdet.

Color control of transparent plastic closures
The color of transparent plastic closures should be controlled. At this, different colored transparent closures (e.g. orange, violet, magenta) will be produced and the task is to hold the respective color in a certain range.
Folha de

APP N° 225

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Farvegenkendelse på tre ensartede plastkomponenter fra interiørområdet
Tre plastemner med let farveforskel skal kontrolleres.

Color differentiation of three different plastic components in the interior field
Three different colored plastic parts should be differentiated.
Folha de

APP N° 224

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Aftastning af kunststofflasker med forskellig vægtykkelse
Plastdåser mad samme farve og kontur skal kontrolleres for forskellige vægtykkelser.

Differentiation of plastic bottles with different wall thickness
Plastic bottles with different wall thickness should be differentiated.
Folha de

APP N° 223

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Farvekontrol på plastfiltre
Farveafvigelser på kunststoffiltre skal aftastes.

Color quality control of plastic strainer
The quality of green as well of red plastic strainer should be controlled.
Folha de

APP N° 206

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Farveaftastning på brune plastforsejlinger
To forskellige brune plastforsejlinger skal kunne skelnes.

Color differentiation of brown plastic door seals
Two different brown colored plastic seals should be differentiated.
Folha de

APP N° 205

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Farvesortering af plaststriber
Forskellige farvede plast stiber skal skelnes.

Color differentiation of plastic stripes
Different colored plastic stripes should be differentiated.
Folha de

APP N° 201

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Farvekontrol på plastlåg
Farven på plastlåg skal kontrolleres. Hovedopgaven er ikke at skelne mellem farverne, men om den samme type låg ligger inden for en given tolerance.

Color control of plastic closures
The color of plastic closures should be controlled. The main task is not to distinguish between different colors but to check, whether the same closure is in a certain color tolerance.
Folha de

APP N° 200

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Farvekontrol på PET forme
Forskellige farvede PET forme, som anvendes i aftapningsindustrien skal skelnes.

Color control of PET preforms
Different colored PET preforms which are used in the bottle industry should be differentiated.
Folha de

APP N° 187

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Aftastning af position på optisk transparent label på optisk transparent plastfilm
Positionen af en transparent label på en transparent film skal aftastes. Under opgaven er hastigheden på filmen nogle få m/s.

Detection of the position of optical transparent plastic label on optical transparent plastic film
The position of a transparent label on a transparent film should be detected. At this the speed of the film is in the range of a few m/s.
Folha de

APP N° 180

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Aftastning af perforeret linie på plastfilm
En perforeringslinie skal aftastes på en plastfilm. Under denne aftastning er hastisgheden på plasfilmen nogle få m/s og diameteren på hullerne i plastfilmen er ca. 0.3mm.

Detection of a perforation line in a plastic film
A perforation line should be detected in a plastic film. At this, the speed of the plastic film is a few m/s and the diameter of the holes in the plastic film is approximately 0.3mm.
Folha de

APP N° 178

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Edge detection of a plastic label on a plastic film
The edge of a plastic label should be detected on a plastic film.
Folha de

APP N° 176

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Farvehenkending af plastflasker
Under genbrugsprocessen skal forskellige farver PET-flasker sorteres. Selv kun let blåtonede plastflasker skal skelnes fra klare PET-flasker. Hastigheden på flaskerne ligger i processen på et par meter / sekund. I flaskerne kann der findes kondens, som ses som vanddråber. Endvidere kann der være etiketter på flaskerne.

Color differentiation of plastic bottles
During the recycling process different colored PET-bottles should be separated. Even light blue colored plastic bottles must be differentiated from clear transparent PET-bottles. At this the speed of the bottles is a few m/s. There can be condense water accumulated in the bottles, which causes water drops inside the bottles. Furthermore the bottles come with a label.
Folha de

APP N° 161

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Breddekontrol på polyurethanprofiler
Bredden på forskellige farver polyurethanprofiler skal måles under produktionen.

Width control of polyurethane profiles
The width of different colored polyurethane profiles should be measured during the production.
Folha de

APP N° 160

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Højdekontrol på polyurethanprofiler
Højden på forskellige farver polyurethan- profiler skal kontrolleres. Man skal bemærke at materialet er let mælkefarvet, hvilket betyder at lyset som sendes mod emnet delvis vil gå ind i emnet.

Height control of polyurethane profiles
The height of different colored polyurethane profiles should be controlled. It has to be aware that the polyurethane material is slightly milky which means, that light which is directed onto the profile will partly enter the surface.
Folha de

APP N° 159

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Farvekontrol af plastknapper til autointeriør
Plastknapper skal kontrolleres på farven. Det skal noteres af knappernes opretning og dermed tastevinkel kan variere under processen.

Color control of plastic buttons in the automotive interior field
Plastic buttons should be color controlled. It has to be taken into account, that the angle alignment of the plastic buttons is arbitrary during the control process.
Folha de

APP N° 158

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Kantpositionskontrol på transparent plastfilm
Positionen på kanten af en transparent plast film skal checkes.

Edge position control of a transparent plastic film
The position of the edge of a transparent plastic film should be controlled.
Folha de

APP N° 156

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Skelne mellem sort og mørk brun plast interiørdele
To plast interiørdele, skal skelnes på farven. Af montagegrunde skal både for- og bagside på de to dele begge kontrolleres.

Color differentiation between black and dark brown plastic interior components
Two plastic interior parts should be color differentiated. Due to assembly reasons, the backside as well as the front side of the two components should be controlled, respectively.
Folha de

APP N° 131

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Skelne mellem enkeltfarvet plasttråd
Plasttrådei enkeltfarvede versioner, som fås I forskellige farver skal skelnes.

Differentiation of plastic monofilaments
Plastic monofilaments, different in size or in color, should be differentiated.
Folha de

APP N° 122

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Kontrol af retning på kapsler
Retningen på kapsler I et mekanisk fødesystem skal kontrolleres. Kapslerne består af to dele, hvor den ene del har en diameter, som er ca. 0,3 mm større end den anden. Kapslerne bevæges I længderetningen med en hastighed på 0,4 m/s og diameteren på de forskellige typer ligger mellem 3mm og 8mm. Farven på kapslerne kan variere mellem hvis til sort og hvor selv transparente farver en mulige.

Capsule direction control
The direction of capsules in a mechanical guide should be controlled. The capsules consist of two parts at which one component has a diameter which is approximately 0.3mm bigger as the other. The capsules will be linearly moved with a speed of 0.4m/s and the diameter of the different types is between roughly 3mm and 8mm. The color of the capsules can change from white to black, all colors even transparent types are possible.
Folha de

APP N° 121

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Kontrol af rilleprofil på transperant plastlåg
På et transperant låg, skal rilleprofilen kontrolleres. På ukorrekte låg er rilleprofilen manglende eller delvis manglende.

Control of the presence of straight knurling on a transparent plastic closure
On a transparent plastic closure the straight knurling should be detected. On incorrect closures the straight knurling is partly not present.
Folha de

APP N° 120

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Doublelagskontrol på transperent film
Tilstedeværelsen af blisterfolie skal kontrolleres med diffus sensorsystem. Yderligere skal der skelnes mellem en, to eller tre blisterpakninger.

Double transparency film control
The presence of a transparent blister foil should be controlled with a reflective sensor system. Furthermore it must be distinguished between one, two or three blisters.
Folha de

APP N° 108

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Knudecheck og kontrol for defekt på monoglødetråd
Knuder såvel som defekter på monoglødetråd skal aftastes. I denne applikation findes forskellige diametre og fødehastigheden kan være nogle få m/s.

Knot and defect control of mono filaments
Knots as well as defects on mono filaments and threads should be detected. At this, different diameters of filaments and threads are possible and the feed rate lies in the range of a few m/s.
Folha de

APP N° 103

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Kontrol af antal blisterpakninger
Under håndteringen af blisterkninger kan det ske, at mere end en blisterpakning bliver taget med, dette skal undgås.

Control of the number of blister packages
During the handling process of blister packages it can happen, that more than one blister package will be transported simultaneously, this should be avoided.
Folha de

APP N° 96

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Skelne mellem forside og bagside på låg
Under produktionen af dispensere for vådservietter skal orienteringen af låget kontrolleres.

Differentiation between front side and back side of closures
During the production of dispensers for moist wipes the closure site (front side and back side) must be controlled.
Folha de

APP N° 92

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Farvegenkendelse af injektionskapsler
Injektionskapsler skal sorteres farvemæssigt. Under denne operation, skal der ligeledes aftastes om farven ændres fra batch til batch.

Color differentiation of syringe capsules
Syringe capsules must be color differentiated. At this, there should be detected also an unacceptable color change from batch to batch of the same capsule type.
Folha de

APP N° 86

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Aftastning af forskelligt farvede plastdele med forskelligt antal ribber
Plastikdele med fire ribber (ribben I midten er kortere) og fem lange ribber skal selnes uafhængigt af farven.

Differentiation of different colored plastic parts with different number of bars
Plastic parts with four (the bar located in the middle is shorter) and five long bars must be distinguished independent of the color.
Folha de

APP N° 74

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Inline glansmåling på plastfilm og laminerede plader
Under produktionen af plastfilm og laminerede plader, skal glansfaktoren måles.

Inline gloss measurement of plastic films and laminated plates
During the production of plastic films as well as of laminated plates the gloss factor should be measured.
Folha de

APP N° 71

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Positionskontrol på optisk transparent plastikfolie
Positionen af en optisk transparent plastikfolie, skal kontrolleres I et område på ca. 50mm.

Optical transparent plastic foil position control
The position of an optical transparent plastic film should be controlled in a range of approximately 50mm.
Folha de

APP N° 20

Synthetic Industry (Kunststoffindustrie) 
Kontrol af farven på låg
Kontrol af forskellige låg skal farvekontrolleres.

Closure head color control
Different plastic closure heads should be color controlled.


Damos as boas-vindas ao nosso novo parceiro de vendas para os Estados Unidos da América:


Participação em exposições:

 •   PRS Middle East & Africa 2024
 •   Plastics Recycling World Expo
Europe 2024
 •   Plastics Recycling World Expo
North America 2024
 •   PRS Asia 2024
 •   PRS India 2024
 •   European Coatings Show 2025


Comunicados de imprensa:

Determinação de espessuras de camadas entre e sobre filmes plásticos
(Medição de luz transmitida MIR)

Controle de jato de pulverização no modo de luz refletida
(Medição de quantidades de pulverização muito baixas em zonas potencialmente explosivas)



Sistemas de sensores para a indústria de reciclagem de plástico
Medição de cor de reciclados



Artigo especializado:

Testing Recyclates Directly during Injection Molding and Extrusion
NIR Process for the Inline Inspection of Recycled Plastics ()
Plastics Insights 3/2024


Livros brancos:

Sensor systems for recyclate control in the plastics industry for laboratory and inline use ()
Checking the plastic type of recyclates and virgin material using NIR technology ()


Novos aplicações:

Detecção de mossas e amolgadelas em fitas de punção metálicas
(N° 801)

Distinção de componentes interiores de couro e plástico
(N° 802)
Medição de cor das tampas plásticas
(N° 803)


... tensão superficial?
... evaporação de óleo?
... a medição da espessura da
    camada de óleo?


Novo software:

SPECTRO3-MSM-DIG-Scope V1.5 (2021.10.20)



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